Hamilton Insurance Agency
Reporting and Claims Info

2024 YIELD REPORTING - Forms have been mailed out to all insureds - the sooner those yields get into the system the better, but true deadline is 29 April 2025. If you have any questions contact any of us.

2024 CLAIMS - It's the insured's responsibility to report any possible claims to the company - a lot of rules and deadlines - but you're safe if you notify us with 45 days of harvest. If there is any doubt at all you should submit a claim - and if you still have crops in the fields, you should submit a claim. The End of Insurance for our area is 10 December- technically meaning that for corn and beans, any damage that occurs to the crop after that date is not covered by the policy - maybe not a big deal this year.. Bottom line is that these are firm deadlines, and you'll never collect if you don't submit a claim!!